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Jan Wilkens

Doktorand am Institut für Jüdische Studien und Religionswissenschaft, Universität Potsdam

Jan Wilkens

Assoziiertes Mitglied/Graduiertenprogramm

Leitung: Forschungsgruppe Gender/Queer and Jewish Studies

seit 12/2020 Stipendiat in der Promotionsförderung, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
seit 2020 Promotion Jüdische Studien/Jewish Studies, Universität Potsdam
2019-2020 Teilstipendium Promotionsvorbereitungen, Universität Potsdam
2014-2019  Stipendiat in der Grundförderung, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
2016-2019 Masterstudium Jüdische Studien/Jewish Studies, Universität Potsdam
2018 Forschungsaufenthalt in Los Angeles (USA), ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives, University of Southern California
2015-2016 Auslandssemester University of Haifa, Department of Jewish History/International School
2013-2016 Bachelorstudium Judaistik (Kernfach) und Geschichte und Kultur des Vorderen Orients (Nebenfach), Freie Universität Berlin
2012  Abitur


Queer Jewish Groups in Europe (1972-1990s) – Creating a Movement under American Influence 

The 1970s represent a notable decade for those Jews who felt that their sexual desires didn’tfulfill the norms of the heterosexual matrix. Queer Jews in the United States and Europe began to unite and started founding organizations for their needs. This project will focus on those groups that emerged in Europe and will trace back their history: the Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group (JGLG) in London, Beit Haverim in Paris, and Sjalhomo in Amsterdam. These groups first became institutionalized and later cooperated in their shared goal of acceptance and integration of queer lives into Judaism. Meanwhile, the movement of gay outreach synagogues in the United States began with the foundation of Beth ChayimChadashim in Los Angeles. These synagogues promoted the foundation of the World Congress of Gay and Lesbian Jewish Organizations in which the European groups also became active.The project will illustrate the relations between the organizations in the United Statesand Europe in regard to their political aspirations and the merging of two shared identities: Jewishness and Queerness.

Hauptbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Sina Rauschenbach, Universität Potsdam

Zweitbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Martin Lücke, Freie Universität Berlin



- LGBTQ+ im Judentum

- Queer History, Queer Jewish History

- Jüdischer Feminismus

- Gender Studies

- Erinnerungskultur(en)

- Provenienzforschung


"Jewish, Gay and Proud" – The Founding of Beth Chayim Chadashim as a Milestone of Jewish Homosexual Integration. Pri HaPardes (13). Potsdam, 2020. Link zur Publikation: https://shop.verlag.uni-potsdam.de/en/shop/jewish-gay-and-proud/ (ebenfalls Link zum kostenlosen ebook)

Wissenschaftliche Artikel:

Vom Dachstuben-Salon zur Synagoge. Eine Topographie jüdischer Salonnièren und jüdischen Lebens um 1800 (Version I, 2018), in: haskala.net. Das online-Lexikon zur jüdischen Aufklärung, hrsg. von Christoph Schulte und Marie Ch. Behrendt. 

Congregation Kol Ami Prays for Pittsburgh (Oct 31, 2018), in: Los Angeles Blade. America’s LGBT News Source (online).
LA reacts to mass murder at the Tree of Life Synagogue (Oct 29, 2018), in: Los Angeles Blade. America’s LGBT News Source (online, with Karen Ocamb).
LA queer synagogue brings 1920s Berlin cabaret to life (Oct 17, 2018), in: Los Angeles Blade. America’s LGBT News Source (online).