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Unseen and Unheard. Queer biographies in the General Government during WWII (Ostrowska)

21.02.2022 | 16:00

Joanna Ostrowska PhD will present her recently completed research project on the queer victims of the Second World War in German-occupied Poland. Ostrowska's research project sets out to elaborate a new of way of talking about and remembering victims of the Holocaust who belong to minority groups like the queer community. She is the author of two books "Przemilczane. Seksualna praca przymusowa w trakcie II wojny światowej" (2018), which focused on the forced sexual workers during the World Waw II and "Oni. Homoseksualiści w czasie II wojny światowej" (2021) which speaks about the queer victims in Nazi-occupied Poland.

Sprache: Englisch

Anmeldung: kalczewiak@uni-potsdam.de Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt. Anmeldung bis zum 19.02.2022

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Zeit & Ort

21.02.2022 | 16:00

Raum 058
Haus 8
Universität Potsdam - Campus am Neuen Palais

Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam

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