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Online Conference: Editing Kabbalistic Texts. New Philological and Digital Approaches Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg/Germany

14.02.2022 - 15.02.2022

Seminary for Jewish Studies and Institute of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Gerold Necker and Prof. Dr. Paul Molitor


The main objective of the conference is the interdependence between scholarly tools and hermeneutics in the field of kabbalistic literature. The interpretation of such texts is bound to questions of methodology. In the last ten years scholarly attention was drawn to modern editing techniques with particular consideration of digital and interactive editions. Since the starting point of every philological practice is the proper handling of the sources, the basic question which has to be faced is how to meet a standard of editing in our discipline. Textual theories, hermeneutics, or the problems of translating texts including multiple variances or even different layers in the context of their historical reception might be related to two key elements: first, philological approaches that amplify the way we are reading and dealing with kabbalistic texts, and second, digital solutions for the challenge to cope with the multifarious demands of studying and presenting texts, traditions, and their understanding.

Please register by sending an e-mail to registration@kabbalaheditions.org not later than February 11, 2022, and get a link to the online conference.

Dr. Bill Rebiger: bill.rebiger@posteo.de

Zeit & Ort

14.02.2022 - 15.02.2022

Online event