Stellenausschreibung: tenure-track assistant professorship in Jewish Studies at Dartmouth College
News vom 03.10.2022
The Department of Religion at Dartmouth College invites applications for a full-time, tenure track appointment as Assistant Professor of Judaism. Appointment to begin as early as July 1, 2023. We invite applications from qualified candidates who specialize in Judaism in any time period or geographical region, whose academic specialization lies in religion or in an academic discipline relating to the study of religion. We seek applicants grounded in both theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of religion, as well as the relevant primary languages. We are especially interested in applicants whose work incorporates theoretical perspectives such as feminist and queer theory, race theory, or postcolonial theory, and applicants who can complement our existing curriculum by adding new areas of focus, such as Judaism’s interactions with Islam, or Judaism in the Global South, among others.
Since its inception in 1949, the Religion Department has been committed to a multidisciplinary, globally diverse curriculum grounded in the academic study of religion as engaged through a variety of methodological approaches. The Department offers instruction, from the introductory to the advanced level, in most of the world’s major religious traditions. The Department offers an undergraduate major and minor. For further information about our department, see:
The Department of Religion, and Dartmouth as a whole, are highly committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive population of students, faculty, and staff. We are especially interested in applicants who are able to work effectively with students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds, including but not limited to: racial and ethnic minorities, women, individuals who identify with LGBTQ+ communities, individuals with disabilities, individuals from lower income backgrounds, and/or first-generation college graduates. Applicants should provide a diversity statement that addresses how their teaching, research, service, and/or life experiences prepare them to advance Dartmouth’s commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Qualifications include Ph.D. in Religion or a closely related field by the time of appointment, along with a record of outstanding scholarship and effective teaching. Requirements include teaching four courses per year (0-2 per quarter over 3 quarters) and normal department service. The successful candidate will be expected to teach a broad range of introductory, intermediate-level, and advanced courses within their specialization, as well as contributing to the Department’s theoretical and methodological offerings.
To Apply:
Please submit all materials electronically via Interfolio:
(1) Cover letter (addressed to Professor Reiko Ohnuma, Chair of the Department of Religion)
(2) CV (including the names of three references, with brief indications of their relationships to the candidate)
(3) Research statement
(4) Diversity statement
Application review will begin October 30, 2022, and continue until the position is filled.